Tuesday, July 10, 2012

not exactly according to plan.

As much as I love the internet, smartphones, all those other modern (in)conveniences-- I've always been a sucker for the pen and paper datebook.
From the moment my tiny all-girl high school issued each of us freshmen a bright yellow spiral-bound homework book stamped with the school seal, I've been keeping track of my days via "hard" calendar.
In college, I moved on to Quo Vadis planners, and even convinced my boyfriend at the time to buy one... only to pronounce my utter dismay at his lack of inked pages (he was a business student, after all).
I geeked out over planners, I'll admit.  And choosing one at the beginning of each year was what you might call A Process.  Do I really need a page per day?  Will I remember to tear off these perforated corners every day?  Should I just get a refill and use the same pleather cover?  Then the chosen calendar would arrive by mail and I would begin to fill its pages with homework assignments, paper deadlines, social "events" (KEGGER @ WEST CAMPUS!), and, on occasion, something with a bit more substance.
Because I am now an Adult, I've moved onto Moleskine notebooks (this is Brooklyn, after all).  When deciding between weekly versus daily pages back in December of last year, Kevin helpfully suggested a daily planner, as it might encourage me to jot down bits and pieces more often.  You see, I had planned to Write More in the new year, in an attempt to supplement the paperwork-filled days at my job with some creativity.
I wish I could say I have piles of draft posts just waiting to be published, but that would be a lie.  Judging by the date of the previous entry on this here blog, I have not done so well on the whole Writing More Thing.

I have, however, done quite well otherwise this year.  Brooklyn has really started to feel like a home.  I single-handedly installed my air conditioner in my third-storey window (I know!) when the oppressive city heat became too much to bear.  I turned 25 and decided it is a very good age to be.  I drank skippy with my college roommates, savored Dad's first mojito of the summer, tasted wine in Long Island with my best friend and our beaus, did picklebacks in a basement at a Cape Cod lake house, and shared probably far too many bottles of wine with Kevin over weekday meals.  I perfected my Caesar salad, and cooked roast chicken and mediterranean meatballs, blood orange olive oil cake and rhubarb crumb bars, sriracha-doused shrimp and fish tacos, and lots and lots of fried eggs.  On a few too many Sundays, I bought the Times and left unread sections all over my bedroom floor until I forced myself to get through them all.  I visited friends in DC and Philadelphia, and over Memorial Day weekend, I spent a night roaming the streets of San Juan with Betsy.

The coincidence and pure good fortune that afforded a reunion with B came to mind again when I checked her magnificent blog for updates and spotted some familiar scenes.  There they were: gorgeous photographs, and a link... to my blog.  My much-neglected, achingly-out-of-date blog.

So thanks, to Kevin for the daily Moleskine that provided the space to draft this post while hanging out in Park Slope tonight, and to B, for the gentle nudge.
There are good things to come.