Happy birthday Colleen! Today, one of my best friends turns the big 2-3, and although she insists that she's "over the hill", I argue that she's got a good long while to go before she can really complain about being old.
The photo above is of us together at the Newport Folk Festival this summer in Rhode Island. It was a fantastic weekend and one of my favorite things we've done together since becoming friends during our freshman year of college. Since then, we've also trekked around Europe for 2 weeks together, hung out with Dave Eggers in Harlem, and made lots of delicious meals together.
We spent three years as roommates, (even during our semesters abroad, when we used the Eurostar multiple times to cross the English channel and visit back and forth between London & Paris) and now that college is over, we maintain our friendship via conversations about food, books, and traveling.
One day, we're going to open a restaurant together called ginger and though we don't know where it will be, or how it's going to happen, we know the food will be delicious and there will be books lining the walls.
But until we can celebrate your birthday in the restaurant we own, happy birthday Coll-- my fellow redhead, writer, English major, Epicurean friend!
Wow. This is so great--best present I got except for a certain trench coat. This year was one of my all time faves, and you were a big part of it. Can't wait to celebrate my 24th with you in SA.....!